If you are a college student, you might be looking for ways to save money on your expenses, such as textbooks, supplies, entertainment, and more. One option that can help […]
How Debt and Chronic Pain Can Affect Your Well-Being
Debt and chronic pain are two common problems that many Americans face. But did you know that they can also be connected? According to a recent study, having constant or increasing […]
How Your Partner’s Credit Score Can Make or Break Your Relationship
When you are in love, you may not pay much attention to your partner’s credit score. After all, it is just a number, right? Wrong. Your partner’s credit score can […]
How to Boost Your Rewards With Bank of America and Starbucks
If you are a fan of coffee and cash back, you might want to check out the new partnership between Bank of America and Starbucks. The two companies have teamed […]
Southwest Airlines Credit Card Strategy: How to Fly for Free
Southwest Airlines is one of the most popular airlines in the U.S., thanks to its low fares, generous baggage policy, and flexible cancellation policy. But did you know that you […]
How to Avoid Estimated Taxes by Adjusting Your Withholding
If you are a freelancer, self-employed, or have other sources of income that are not subject to federal tax withholding, you may have to pay estimated taxes throughout the year. […]
ACA APTC: What You Need to Know When Your Tax Family and Coverage Family Are Different
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides a premium tax credit (PTC) to help eligible individuals and families pay for health insurance purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace. The PTC is […]
Why You Should Consider a BOA Savings Account
Saving money is one of the most important financial habits you can develop. Whether you are saving for a specific goal, such as buying a house or a car, or […]
How to Decide Your Comfortable Annual Expense
One of the key steps in planning for your financial future is to determine how much money you need to spend each year to live comfortably. This can help you […]
Taxable Capital Gains: What You Need to Know
Capital gains are the profits that you make when you sell or exchange a capital asset, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or art. Capital gains are generally included in […]
How to Compare Paying Off a Car Loan Early or Investing in a CD Instead
If you have a car loan with a low interest rate, such as 1.9%, you may be wondering if it is better to pay off the loan early or invest […]
Tax Basis for Inherited Stocks and Bonds
When someone inherits stocks, bonds, or mutual funds from a deceased person, they may wonder how to calculate the tax basis of these assets. The tax basis is the original […]